วันพุธที่ 5 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Learning log outside-week 1

The importance of the Syllabus
 What It Is
            The syllabus is a contract between you and your professor. It's your responsibility to read and understand all the material on each syllabus. Your syllabus is the blueprint for the course expectations, requirements, ground rules, readings, assignments, exams, and final projects. It will also list your professor's contact information, office location, and office hours. It contains all the information you need to navigate the course over the term. However, if you have questions or concerns about any of the information on the syllabus, talk to your professor right away! The syllabus is your number one reference tool for each class, and it's imperative that you use it to plan your course work.
            Your ability to read and understand this document can make or break your chances for success in college classes. Each syllabus will be slightly different, but within those pages you'll find all the information needed to gain a clear understanding of what's expected of you.

How to Use It
 Look for specific pieces of information on your syllabus.
Use the syllabus to understand your professors’ expectations.
Use the syllabus from each class to map out your term.
Use the syllabus to make communication with your professors easier.

Where to Get It
             Each professor creates a syllabus for every class they teach. Syllabi are typically handed out to students during the first class period of a term. This does not mean that you have to—or even should—wait until the first class to get your syllabus. Many departments post the syllabi for that term’s classes on their website. If the syllabus for your class is available online, print a copy and you are ready to go. If the syllabus for your class is not posted on the department website, send your professor an e-mail asking if you can get a copy in advance. To find your professor’s e-mail address, go to pdx.edu/colleagues and type the professor’s full name into the “Search for Faculty/Staff and Departments” box on the right side of the page.

