วันพุธที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2556

Learning log outside-week 14

Thinking and memorizing; 
test preparation and taking


The Role of Silence in Learning
Stresses and responsibilities can negatively impact your preparation and performance...
Concentration: the ability to direct your thinking...
Thinking critically
Strategies for critical thinking in learning and project management...
Thinking critically
Second stage exercise in critical thinking:topic and project development ...
Thinking creatively
Nine considerations for thinking creatively...
Radical thinking
Are you looking for new ideas? Has your path reached a dead-end?...
Thinking aloud/private speech
When we learned as infants and children, thinking aloud or saying what we are thinking was accepted
What is commonly known as brainstorming can be used to generate ideas toward problem solving.
Mapping explanation
Alternatives to outlining are mind- and concept-mapping...
Make your own map I
Creating your concept map I...
Make your own map II
Creating your concept map II...
Thinking like a genius:
creative solutions

The following strategies encourage you to think productively, rather than reproductively...
Thinking like a genius:
famous thinkers

Even if you're not a genius, you can use the same strategies as Aristotle and Einstein
Thinking like a genius:
selected thoughts

As we grow older and wiser,we learn to recognize our strengths and weaknesses, and accept them.


The following techniques and exercises use associations...
An acronym is an invented combination of letters...
Each letter is a cue to, or suggests, an item you need to remember...
The object to rhyme-keys is to build associations and images...
Select any location that you have spent a lot of time in...
For foreign language vocabulary, select a key word in English...
Invent a relationship between the name and the physical characteristics of the person...
Create a story where each word or idea...

Test preparation

General test preparation
To do well on tests you must first learn the material...
Mastering one test
Establishing good habits for taking tests can be as simple as exercising...
Anticipating test content
Pay particular attention to any study guides that the instructor hands out...
Review tools for tests
Create study checklists
Identify all of the material...
Overcoming test anxiety
Most students experience some level of anxiety during an exam...
Organizing for test taking
Begin reviewing early. This will give your brain time to get comfortable...
Cramming is useful in emergencies; it is not good for long term learning...
Emergency test preparation
A structured approach to cramming...

Test taking

Ten tips for terrific test taking
When you take a test, you are demonstrating your ability...
Taking online tests
An online exam has several variations, but all involve technology!
True/false tests
Every part of a true sentence must be "true"... ;-{)
Multiple choice tests
Multiple choice questions usually include a phrase or stem followed by three to five options:
Short answer tests
A teacher's primary purpose in giving a short-answer test is to test whether...
Open book exams
In an open book exam you are evaluated on understanding...
Oral exams
The oral exam is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge, your presentation/speaking skills...
Essay Exams
Before writing out the exam: Write down their key words, listings...
Essay terms and directives
"Directives" ask you to answer, or present information, in a particular way....

Math Exams
Begin preparing early, pay attention during class: ...

